Authentication of the Website and Quality
AuthQ provides authentication of the websites in compliance with EU eIDAS legislation and technology platform for all trustmark issuers who want to issue their certificate or trustmark of quality in a safe and controlled environment.
Website Authentication
Identity of the website owner is a basis for establishing trust with the consumers. Truth is always a good idea.
Signs of Trust
Organizations have many attributes need to be presented securely. And trustmark issuers can confirm that: good standing, privacy, awards, memberships and much more. Don’t hide your quality.
Social Responsibility
Transparent identity with all other attributes represents the data set which gives consumer basis to accept the right decision. It is simple. We want to be trusted, and consumers want the truth.
AuthQ technology makes difference
AuthQ technology is browser-independent and brings website authentication on an entirely new level. AuthQ complies with the eIDAS website authentication regulation and requirements. Identity and quality can act only together.

Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Customers
Prices of advertising and costs per new user are growing. Why? Because the charges are the only mechanism to convince the consumer that you are real and that you mean it sincerely. You don’t need that. You only need to be trusted. And therefore, consumers need truth. That’s the only way to establish a stronger relationship with your customers.